Community Education Initiatives
English Language Training (ELT) آموزش مخصوص لسان انگلیسی | دانګلیسې ژبې ځانګړي زده کړې Background: Nebraska Afghan Community Center (NACC) has this unique program where Afghan or Non-Afghan volunteers will be recruited, trained, and matched with an Afghan family to teach them Eng...
Community Self-Sufficiency Initiatives
Referral to NACC 1-3) Community Self-Sufficiency Initiative Nebraska Afghan Community Center (NACC) self-sufficiency efforts include openning the space for families to come into the center and get assistance with a variety of needs such as translation, interpretation of documents, benefit applica...
Community Integration Initiatives
Nebraska Afghan Community Center (NACC) will strive to unify various local Afghan communities and as well as connect them with our non-Afghan neighbors. NACC does not believe in creating a segregated Afghan community but it will strive to acclaimate Afghan families with U.S. laws, cultures, ru...
Healthy Community Initiatives
As a part of NACC healthy community initiatives, NACC helps organize health events with community partners. NACC helped organized three health events with Restoring Dignity in 2021 and also a recent health fair on May 20th, 2023. NACC staff and volunteers help Afghan families with interpretat...
Fund Raising/Capacity Building Initiatives
Fund Raising/Capacity Building Initiatives Help NACC grow, and build its capacity to serve more. Donate NACC is a 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the Internal Tax Service and the Nebraska Department of Revenue. Your contribution is tax-deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regula...